Monday, February 11, 2013

The Comfort Zone Assignment My thinking whilest at the hospital

The Comfort Zone Assignment: Part 1
            One of the biggest enemies of the skilled artist is fear. Courageously attacking the complex tasks related to the “habits” and acting expressively on the music being rehearsed is not a casual activity. If something is “normal,” it is not art. If the music is “nice,” it is not art. To be classified as art, something has to be special, unique, deeply meaningful. Art can be created only by those who are willing to put something personal “out there” for others to observe and scrutinize. This creative act can be frightening but also liberating.
In order to expand personal comfort zones and enhance the ability to adopt the identity of “skilled choral artist,” each student will complete 3 comfort zone assignments in the course of the term. For each assignment, do the following:
1. Humbly identify an action that you tend to avoid because of fear, but that would be meaningful to you it some positive way.
2. Do it!
3. Write a 2-paragraph (or more) report. In the first paragraph, describe what you did and anything that happened as a result. Tell the story. In the second paragraph explain why your action was meaningful.

Alright, if you just took the time to read through all that, I commend you. It's the assignment I have for my Choir class to help us expand our comfort zones which in turn will help make us better singers by being more bold, confident, and courageous. Anyway, below is going to be my first one of these, since I have to write three. I had to begin this assignment by picking one of the various things that aren't usually in my comfort zone that I have done recently as the voice of Dr. Broomhead reminded me of my assignment. So, here we go! 

As I was sitting on my bed pondering what on earth I could possibly do for my comfort zone assignment, a thought came to my head! I could do something related to my grave fear of giving or having blood taken! No wait... he read us something about that in class... Perhaps I could do something like singing in public... No... he read one of those as well. I think I'll write about that time that I went to a hospital and talked to my friend who was in a coma... Yeah I think I'll write about that. Then again, I'm not going to write about that on here... So guess that's all about that assignment on here.

Anyway, it seems that today has been entirely too long of a day. 

I honestly don't even know what else to write about on this post... I kinda feel like I posted too much today, but it's been an interesting, long, and random day so this has kept me entertained and semi-lucid.

For those of you who read my post earlier with quotes from today... you might want to read it again now that I've posted this, because I've been steadily adding to it today.

If you have questions about one of the quotes... you could try commenting but I'm not sure if I'll be able to explain it anymore... it's been a long day.

Edit/Update: On another random note, I ended up working tonight - probably not the best idea since I lost pretty much all my sanity in the first few hours at the hospital, and the rest obviously left before I got to work. I'm just super glad nobody has videoed me today, that would be rather embarrassing. In relation to this, I've realized that I have a really, really small comfort zone as I wrote that assignment. Honestly, I think it's grown a tiny bit since I got out here... but there's definitely been some walls thrown up since I got out here as well. Oh well, we'll see what happens with that.

'Til Next Time,
Jordan Nielson

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