It's already the end of May... and I'm clearly falling behind in my goals with this blog, and various other things. For one thing, I'm hoping from here on out to not let an entire week pass without posting... Ideally I'd like to post twice a week, one being more focused on what I've been up to, the other being more focused on less temporal things - experiences from the mission that have a particular application, things I've been studying, or any other uplifting thing I end up writing about.
So, over the last 9 days the month of May has disappeared, and it looks like June is looming closely - and with it my flight to Utah on the 8th. So, this last week has been a blast! I've been helping my grandpa and dad work on a roofing project throughout the week, and I have confirmed the sad truth that I'm scared of heights. I can't handle being up on the roof well enough to move around quickly up there, so I've been the ground guy - handing tools us, cleaning up debris, or throwing up waters as needed. I've also undertaken projects cleaning my room and attempting to clean out the garage - which has been going surprisingly well. My dad's been helping me to clean out the garage and go through all the stuff in there, It's been an interesting experience finding the treasures that have been buried in that garage for years - like a couple of knives that I made/put together at scout camp over 5 years ago, a bunch of books, a good deal of random outdated electronic equipment, and tons of other random stuff.
Aside from all those projects - which have consumed a majority of my time - I've been trying to spend some time with the Elders in this area whenever possible. I've gone out and done service for an older sister with them - I cleaned out her gutters while they washed her car. I've also gone out with them to a few visits, and then today I attended the spanish group sacrament meeting with them to make sure they had a sufficient number of priesthood there so that they were okay :) I had a good time at that, and it was quite interesting to see where my Spanish was at... I batted about 20% understanding with the speakers/hymns, and had a very spiritual experience during the meeting that helped remind me why it's so important to share the gospel - even if it's difficult. So, how are you doing with living and sharing the gospel? You can find a pretty solid self-check in Alma chapter 5 :) I listened to it this week, and was struck by verse 14 which says: "And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?"
Also of note this week, I played my first round of golf! Kind of. The scouts had a super fun golf tournament to raise money for summer camp, and I finally gave in and played with my dad and Spencer! It was a blast, partially because my dad is pretty great at golf, partially because the scouts made it pretty light-hearted and fun, and also because golf is a pretty decent stress reliever. So, that was a pretty solid event! I don't know if I'd put a ton of time into getting good at golf, but it was a good event for a great cause and I was glad to be able to participate!
Pictures from the golf tournament (thanks Bright House for the sponsorship!):

Then again... I also watched my first feature length movie since coming home - Guardians of the Galaxy. It was pretty good, and I enjoyed being able to relax for a couple hours and be entertained, though there were a few points where my missionary mindset kicked in and I got a little antsy after sitting for so long. But, we watched the movie as a family and had a pretty good time together since none of us had seen the entire movie to really know what was going on towards the beginning. So, that was pretty awesome!
I hope y'all are having a great week!
'Til Next Time,
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