Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17, 2015 - Phew! What a crazy two months!

Hey everyone!

So... for those of you who didn't know... I'm getting married on Friday! Yep, it's been a busy two months since I last posted on here, or however long it has been... But I hope you'll forgive me for not blogging very frequently... plans change ;) But! On the bright side I did quite well in school this term, and aced my programming class. I also got a new job opportunity that you will hear about later on down the road once it's a started. Before I get going too far though...

First off, here is our announcement for those of you who are curious and in case we missed people:

I thought it was pretty neat :) We're registered online at Target and Amazon, and that plus planning a wedding has taken up a good deal of our time... But.. Hm... how to help you catch up on what we've been up to... perhaps I'll use pictures to describe some key activities in our lives... Let's see what I can dig up!

Top row: Chelsea and I in the MTC, Chelsea & I on July 4, The Mckinleys came to visit!
Middle row: Chelsea and I getting engagements taken, The Mckinleys came!, Me at the temple :)
Bottom: The DeGastons came!, I got a turkey... I guess bowling class paid off!, I'm tiny eating a pop tart, I got baptized! :D

So those pretty well sum up most of what I've been up to, running into mission people, working, school stuff, and being engaged to the most awesome person ever have pretty well consumed my life ;) Plus, I threw in a couple oldies that if you're coming to our reception on Friday you might get to see more like them! So yeah, for the most part my life hasn't been super exciting... especially since I can't speak of most of the wedding planning that we've been doing until after Friday when it happens or else I'm supposedly cursed. Therefore, you should come out to our reception if you can! If you can't... well remind me next week to post and tell you all about it! We're super thankful for all those who have helped us out with various things up to this point... and we'll get some thank you cards out shortly after the deal is done. 

Alas, I'm pretty exhausted already... or else I'd probably make this a longer post. But, since I'm getting married... what do you guys want to hear about?!? Let me know in the comments below and I'll see what Chelsea lets me talk about ;)

Love y'all!
'Til Next Time,
Jordan L. Nielson

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