Alright, I'm going to preface this with the fact that I've been pretty much in the same room for the last four hours and have only left the room to go visit my friend who is critically ill. Anyway, it turns out that when you're in a hospital for a lengthy amount of time the crazy discussions start to begin, especially when the preson you're there for isn't getting much better - like she is in some aspects but getting worse in others. So basically, we've discussed things from different water fountains possibly having different water, different cookies from the same dough perhaps tasting different, guys being on pinterest and random other things. Anyway, my friends and I who are here have had some interesting conversations.
As we've chilled here, and had these intense conversations, there have been some pretty interesting quote lines, in order to convey these better, we'll call them Friend 1 (a female), Friend 2 (a male), Friend 3(a female), and me. Some of them are as follows:
Friend 1: You're not going to put this on your blog are you?
Me: I make no promises...
Friend 1: What is this?
Friend 3: Yes, what is this?
Me: Hot, Hot, Hot
Friend 1: Oh I've heard this before!
Me: It would seem I have an album on my iTunes called "Good tunes for Good times"...
Friend 1: Well turn it off!
Friend 1: Is your computer dead?
Friend 2: Almost, if I close it it will be.
Friend 3: How long does it have?
Friend 2: about 9 minutes.
Friend 3: Does that mean you'll actually do homework?
Friend 1: Yeah, does it?
Friend 2: No. It means absolutely nothing.
Friend 1: Did you skip it again?
Friend 3: It's on shuffle?
Me: There's order with shuffle?
Friend 1: Yes... wait..
Friend 1: You have a pinterest?!?
Me: Do you have a problem with Pinterest?
Friend 1: No...
Me (Looking through my pinterest feed which consists entirely of food and things to make): Oh good.
Friend 1: Oh, it only has food... that's a little more respectable.
Friend 2: I once went on pinterest to find something and it was just a picture from the internet.
Me: Well usually it is a link to a blog or somewhere you can actually find the full recipe...
Friend 2: There's no recipe for shoes.
Friend 2: What room are we in?
Friend 3: The waiting room...
Friend 2: To do what?
Me: to wait?
Friend 3: To blog!
Friend 2: Don't tell X that I'm eating her cookies, she'd probably kill me.
Friend 1: I won't.
Me: Why would she kill you...?
Friend 1: You haven't heard?
Friend 2: Basically, we dated at one point.
Friend 3: She's kinda crazy
Friend 1: Like 75% crazy.
Friend 2: Like why are we here?
Friend 1: I dunno, my tailbone hurts though.
Friend 3: Then lay on the floor.
Me: yeah, it helps.
Friend 1: Maybe we can dedicate this room...
Friend 1: Like we could say: "The floor, it was therapeutic."
Me: Well traffic in Utah doesn't seem to be as bad as i could be...
Friend 2: Well yeah, Human trafficking isn't that bad here.
Friend 1: Wait what?
Me: I meant car traffic...
Friend 1 Drinking her apples juice from a cup that looks like a pudding cup
Friend 1 Spills
Friend 1: Oh crap, that looks like drool ...
Me: Not really...
Friend 1 zips up her jacket: There all better.
(20 minutes later)
Friend 1 unzips her jacket: Ah it doesn't look like drool anymore!
Me: What's wrong with drool?
Friend 1: It's not comfortable enough to nap, so there's no reason I would have drooled
Me: I dunno... I could go find a corner and fall asleep there, it can't be that bad.
Me: Just lay on the floor, it's therapeutic.
Friend 1: Maybe I could just lay over there (points towards a double seat in a row)
Me: Nah. that's not as good, it's uncomfortable.
Friend 1: But I'm shorter!
Me: So? It's still less therapeutic than the floor.
Le me looking at a facebook status: Facepalm.
"I met a normal man today"
Friend 2: Am I abnormal?
Friends 1 and 3 in unison: Yes.
Friend 2: How am I abnormal?
Friend 1: Because...
Friend 3: Because...
Friend 1: See I can use the door properly!
Me: Wait. Was anyone paying attention when she left?
Friends 2 and 3: No...
Friend 1: I used the door properly then as well!
Me: I don't believe you. Pics or it didn't happen!
Friend 2: You could step into the office over there and ask to see the surveillance tape...
Friend 1: Nah..
Friend 2: Like just the last five minutes of it.
Friend 1: Oh well, it's not going to happen.
Friend 2: Good thing this is a good book.
Friend 3: You've read how many pages...?
Friend 2: Fine. I'll go sit in the hallway. As soon as I figure out how to get out that door.
Friend 2: Ah nevermind. The hands-free waterfountain is in here.
Me: Stunned silence.
Friend 2: Have you ever wanted to swim in a pool full of jello?
Me: yes.
Friend 2: What if you get stuck?
Me: You could eat yourself out!
Friend 3: Would you even get stuck?
Me: Not if you dice it up!
Friend 2: What the record on that?
Le Me Googles it: 7700 gallons of Jello!
Friend 2: We can beat that. BYU is all about beating records!
Me: While you listen to the backstreet boys?
Friend 1: Well it all started on the RA retreat when I heard it on XM Radio and an RA made a big deal about me not knowing this song. Now I've listened to it about 30 times to educate myself.
Me: Alright... I still don't understand why there's something wrong with the backstreet boys.
Me looking at a photo from facebook...
Friend 1: Save the dates?
Me: Save the date.
Friend 1: Oh, "Mawwiage is what brings us here together this day."
Friend 3: Peas, Peas, Peas (Looks at friend 2) Like the vegetable! Peas, Peas.
Friend 2: I KNOW! (not shouting, just firm.)
Le me on youtube watching a video.
Friend 1: If you put that as public I'm never coming back into the front office again.
Me: Yeah right.
Friend 1: Good point... I have to go back there for work.
Friend 2: Quote: "It will be hard to discover who it was since the cat does not speak?"
Friend 1: What was that? I got distracted by the blog.
Me with a smug smile.
Friend 2: They found a cat sneaking into a prision with a cell phone and drill bits attached to it.
Me: Does she even know I'm here?
Friend 2: Did she know I have been here, and was here last night?
Friend 1: No...?
Friend 2: Well if she does find out I'm eating her cookies, tell her they're pretty dang good.
And that my readers, is a few snippets from our random conversations.
Anyway, I really did want to discuss Pinterest a little bit, so if you have any comments related to guys using pinterest for various reasons please feel free to post them :D
Some reasons I've heard for guys using it are as follows:
- DIY Stuff
- Looking up his girlfriend/fiance's marriage plans
- Food
I think this might be the last time I'm blogging today... but don't quote me on that.
'Til Next Time,
Jordan Nielson
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