Monday, February 11, 2013

Programs, Hospitals, Teaching, and Class. Oh Joy!

Well the circumstances I'm writing this post in could be better, but I guess this is a reasonably productive use of my time. My thoughts today will probably be super random, but I'll try to make some sense of it for y'all. It might not help that I'm listening to a movie I first watched with my good friend who is in the hospital for various reasons and not doing all that well. Anyway, on a lighter note I taught my first Gospel Doctrine lesson yesterday. I feel like it went pretty well, though I probably seemed a bit distracted to my class even though I really did try to focus. The lesson was about how to receive personal revelation, and like most teachers usually feel I think I learned a lot more than my class did. This was partially due to the fact that I only had about 35 minutes to teach, which was a little shorter than I would have liked. It was a fairly long lesson in the manual, at least I thought so, but it was only the first time I had a reason to go through and actually read everything in the manual and teach from it.

Another thing that happened was my first program as part of the Residence Halls Association, we ended up calling it Love-view as it was a wyview only activity so they seem to be pretty set on making sure the name involves -view of some sort. It was pretty awesome, and seemed to turn out well as there were plenty of people there. We ran out of the food about three quarters of the way through the activity, which had a variety of activities. Foremost, and most fun, was the "Dating Game" which is a pretty common game to play here at BYU. Basically how it goes is everyone fills out a survey handout that has like ten questions on it, then a bachelor/bachelorette is selected either from the crowd or pre-selected and the game begins. To start out, the first part of the game involves the bachelor/bachelorette sitting on one side of the stage wiith a curtain separating them from seeing the other side of the stage. Then, anyone of the gender opposite the bachelor/bachelorette who wants to participate going up on the stand and ending up on the other side of the curtain will be contestants to win a date with the bachelor/bachelorette. The game officially starts once the announcer begins reading off the bachelor's answers to the survey questions and whenever the contestants end up on the wrong side of the question they get a strike, and with two strikes they're out. Once the field of contestants is narrowed down to about 4 of them, the next round begins where the bachelor asks deeper questions than the survey ones and each contestant gives an answer. Once they've all answered the bachelor picks the one he likes least - remember he hasn't seen what they look like - to eliminate from the game. Anyway, that was pretty entertaining, and I think you get the jist of it.

Moving on, I've come to a realization recently that class isn't as important to me as it could be. For one, I care more for my friends than I do about making sure that I attend all my classes - take today for example. Another thing is that sometimes I feel class is a waste - not all the time, or even most of the time, just randomly when I happen to already know the material we're discussing in greater detail than we're even talking about in class. This doesn't happen all that often, but when it does happen, it's not all that fun. Anyway, I've decided to fix that ya know, after this ordeal is over.

I think that's all I'm going to write about today, but make sure to check out my other post beneath this one that I published this morning before heading to the hospital.

'Til Next Time,
Jordan Nielson

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