Hello there! Isn't it just a fabulous day today?!? I know it has been for me, because as a few friends of mine have recently taken to saying (due to someone's talk in sacrament meeting a few Sunday ago) "Make it a good day."
In other news, it's been the better part of a week since I last wrote on here, and what a week it has been!
The craziness involving my friend has never ceased, and yet this week seems to have flown by as I've struggled to keep up with all the things I wish to do. Her status hasn't changed that much overall, but there have been random back and forth events affecting her. A few scares later, and we're still here praying. The highlight so far was definitely not being at the hospital, but that has been an experience for sure as it's my first time spending significant chunks of time at a hospital. The best highlight was definitely getting my mission papers finished and turned in, so hopefully I'll be getting my call pretty soon (before my birthday if I'm lucky!) and know what all is going to happen with that. After that highlight though, they're kind of muddled. I've noticed as we've been in the same place day after day for almost a week now, the days start really blending together. Anyway I've had a few thoughts whilest here that I would like to throw on here regarding a wide range of topics. Sadly, our discussions have definitely not been as entertaining as Monday's were largely because now it's usually just Friend 2 and I here as Friends 1 and 3 have a harder class load and that's where they need to be.
Foremost on my mind has been the concept of support. One of my main reasons for being up here everyday since this started, is to help support my roommate and his girlfriend's family. Some people don't seem to understand how big a deal it is, but whenever I've had to struggle with things like this (first examples that come to mind regard my experience with my great grandmother and my grandpa) it's always been super helpful for me to know that I have family (or friends) around that are willing to help me whenever it's needed. Especially when my grandpa was in the hospital for a week or so before he passed away while I was up here, and unable to go home because it was right before and during finals week, I was really grateful for friends that were willing to help me and comfort me through that entire process. So personally, I find it super important to have a system of people willing to help and comfort you at a moment's notice. Since my friend's status has been kind of iffy most of the week, and because I feel that this is more important a thing to be at than my classes in most cases, I've spent a lot of time up here trying to help out in whatever way I can. I totally understand that there isn't always something that those going directly through a trial will need, but it's nice to have been able to be present whenever they did need something. The example that best comes to my mind was recently shared by one of my friends in his blog (shameless advertising!) titled "the Benefit of the Doubt" in his most recent post located here. I really like the post he wrote, and echo a lot of those same opinions/concerns. So go check it out. But wait until you finish reading this one. I'll post the link again at the bottom of the post :P
In other news, I've thought about the importance of communication. As I worked to fix my schedule to get up here I've certainly made a few mistakes whilest communicating with those around me. An example of this was when I was trying to figure out my work schedule. Whilest I was talking with one of my co-workers about this weekend, I realized that I didn't know yet what the plan was and when it would be best for me to work. I told him I'd get back to him the next day (we were talking on Tuesday), but I totally forgot about it until Thursday, when he texted me to figure out what had happened with that. While some might try to excuse this oversight in the midst of all the other things going on, I took it personally and decided to make a more direct effort to communicate with people when I tell them I'm going to and not forget about it or put it off. Another thing I've noticed is how caring people generally are when you take a moment to explain the situation to them. Pretty much all of my professors understand that it really doesn't benefit me all that much to attend class right now with my friend in the hospital. The times I have gone to class this week, I've noticed my mind continually wandering back up to the hospital and me reaching for my phone to try and get a status update out of somebody who is still up here. As the week has worn on, I've noticed that there's less and less people up here as they have to get back to their work and family responsibilities in other states. So, I find the concept of being there to support even more important as time goes on.
As time goes by, I've realized how much more fun it is if you are comfortable sharing stories. This might seem like a random thought, but it is pertinent in some way - not sure how many people will understand it, but whatever. Anyway, as I've started going to college, and when I went home for Christmas break, I discovered a lot of people really enjoy stories, and nothing's better than stories that actually happened. I realized I honestly didn't have that many crazy stories to share, as the vast majority of fall was spent studying until it switched over to being eaten by video games. Sadly for me, this resulted in a few awkward situations whilest at home that I had no solution for as I just didn't have any stories. It turns out winter is a much easier time to get good stories, such as totally eating it on the ice when it's freezing rain, or spending the better part of a week at the hospital whilest not being admitted to the hospital but to see a friend and support her family. Anyway, I think by the end of this semester I'll have better stories to share upon returning home, though you might get them on here first - if only so that I can remember them by the time I actually get home.
In other news, sleeping in a hospital is kind of difficult, if only because there's pretty constant activity throughout the night, but I've somehow managed to get a bit of sleep in this night where I happen to be awake at 3am lying on the floor of a hospital hallway after a brief period of time being asleep. I think I'e gotten all the sleep I'm going to get tonight, so it looks like it might be time to break out netflix or my computer and catch up on movies or something. Anyway, I hope you like my blog, and my friend's blog that he started writing the first day we were here in this glorious place. If you have any questions for me throw them up as comments and I'll more than likely answer them :D
'Til Next Time,
Jordan Nielson
Here's the link again, as I promised!