Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12th, 2014 - A year has passed already?!?

Happy Belated Mother's day Everyone!
It's been just about a year since I sent my first email from this account, which is just crazy. Time has just been flying by as of late, and I hope you are all enjoying it! This week was pretty dang good, with tons of awesome experiences, and a couple sweet activities topped off with some awesome studies. But, like always, I don't have as much time as I would like so I'll see what I can do!
This week was pretty good I'll start with studies, since that's my favorite part of the week! I've been learning a lot from the scriptures and preach my gospel in my readings throughout the week, and I particularly enjoyed reading in Chapter 13 a little bit. That along with the "importance of members" section in chapter 9 were a good reminder of the outlook we need to have as missionaries serving in these wards - especially in wards where it seems like past missionaries didn't have a very good reputation. The quote: "However, the work of proclaiming the gospel will move forward more powerfully when full-time missionaries and members coordinate their efforts and work in unity together." Particularly struck me as I've definitely noticed a difference between when it feels like we're working on our own and when we're working together with the ward to move the work of Salvation forward. I found it particularly interesting how a main emphasis in hastening the work is working as one, because that's really how it is with any work. As we strive to work with others towards a common goal we're better able to utilize the strengths and talents of everyone and have awesome results!
Aside from that, I've enjoyed reading the story of Ammon this week in my studies, as his example of service and determination along with his patience are just incredible. It still blows my mind that they were working with the Lamanites for 14 years before they came back with the Anti-Nephi-Lehies, as it helps me put in perspective that their work wasn't done in a few days, or even a few months, but that it took time to build trust with the Lamanites and then to actually share the message. Alma 19:31-32 was particularly interesting to me this week, as the people had a very clear choice to make, and the results were so different and life changing based on that one choice. I also particularly enjoyed D&C 115:4, as it reminded me of Elder Ballard's talk from this last conference where he followed up! Check it out!
Then in Alma 20:15 it reminded me of Elder Holland's talk this last conference, which was also incredible, and should also be checked out as soon as you can:
Lastly, in Alma chapter 18, verses 24-36 I loved how Ammon built upon the things King Lamoni already believed, and made sure to cover the basics before he talked about more intense stuff. I loved how in verse 34 he recognizes the need to answer the question, but also addresses again King Lamoni's knowledge of the nature of God - one of the most important things that we can come to know in this life.

Anyways, I'll hop over to the rest of the week's highlights now, and one investigator of note was Lonnie. He did the stop smoking workshop last Monday night, and as of yesterday he was smoke free still! So, if y'all could keep praying for him that'd be awesome! He's a pretty awesome guy, and it'll definitely be good for him to be smoke free. We've had a super fun week with him trying to keep him busy and following the 15 steps, so one day we ate breakfast with them, another we helped him clean his truck, another day we got to share a message with them, and he's just been doing awesome.
Another highlight this week was that we got to meet with Khari and his brother Tariq! They're a couple awesome young adults, and they're hopefully going to be able to meet with us this week a couple times. On a related note, we had a pretty cool ward activity this Saturday - a beans and cream activity in honor of Elder Pugmire, and there were 8 or so investigators there, including Tariq and Khari! We got to play some basketball with them, and just have a good time. For those who, like me, don't know what a beans and cream activity it, basically it involves eating an array of baked bean recipes (along with hamburgers and such if you want), and then playing sports while some homemade ice cream is in the works and then you eat the ice cream. It was awesome, even though the total turnout was only like 60 or so people, it was still a blast.
The last awesome highlight for this week was on Friday for dinner a member took us out to the lake's RC flying field nearby to have a barbeque and also to fly his planes. It was super fun, and Elder Crosby can make a dang good hamburger, even though we forgot to bring any spices!
I hope you guys have an awesome week! Love y'all!
'Til Next Time,
Elder Jordan Nielson

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