Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24th, 2014 - WOOHOOO!!!!!

Hey Everyone!
This week was a blast! Sooo much sweet stuff happened, and most importantly Brother Grant was baptized and confirmed! It was super spiritual, and I hope to never forget it! But anyway, like always, I don't have as much time as I'd like so I'll get right to talking about this week!
 We had an awesome visit with a less active couple this week where we watched "Safety for the Soul" by Elder Holland with them, and afterward the less active brother bore his testimony to us and said the closing prayer! We also had a sweet visit this week with a guy named Ken, so if y'all could pray for him that'd be swell!
Of particular highlights this week were my exchange in Midwest City, and of course everything to do with Brother Grant. Since I like going chronologically I'll start with the day in Midwest city! We had an awesome day, which started out with a super spiritual district meeting! We watched "Teaching with the Power and Authority of God" which was awesome! That day we met a couple cool families, and saw tons of miracles! One of which was this cool Kenyan lady we met after slowly working our way down into a neighborhood. We started out talking to a less active sister, and then after that went to talk to her neighbor who was out working on a bookshelf dealio, and then his neighbor pulled up so we went and talked to him, and then we saw a lady sitting outside with her kids playing who told us to go knock on her neighbor's door which was the Kenyan lady who was super awesome! So... basically I learned that it sometimes takes a little bit of work to get to the people you're actually in an area to see! I also learned that we shouldn't worry about what our friends say to missionaries when we send them over since that's really up to them. Later that night, we got to go out with an awesome brother in their ward and we had a couple noteworthy experiences. First, we met a christian rapper dude and he rapped out his testimony for us - which was sweet. Later that night we visited with a part member family, and he decided to start working toward April 12th as the day he wants to be baptized! It was super neat, and just an awesome day!
Then we come to Saturday... probably the sweetest day of my mission yet! Brother Grant's baptism was awesome! There were somewhere between 45 and 50 people there, which was cool, and the refreshments were super tasty. Then after that his family invited us to go have lunch with them at Cattlemen's... man they have some dang good steak there. Check out their WEBSITE if ya care to. It's apparently one of the most historic restaurants in Oklahoma ;) That afternoon we then got to go help Brother Grant work on his fence and take care of his horses, which is always a blast. That evening, we got to play some volleyball with some investigators and members and it was loads of fun.
The next day Brother Grant was confirmed, which was awesomely spiritual, and then I got the privilege of blessing the sacrament, so that was sweet. Church that day was pretty good overall, and we had dinner with an awesome family! They made a steak that rivalled Cattlemen's, so that was incredibly tasty. It was just a sweet day! But... like always... I'm out of time, so some quick scriptures for y'all:
I hope y'all have a fantastic week, and that you check out those awesome talks by President Uchtdorf! I tried to make it convienent for ya and throw some links on, so check them out! Love y'all!
'Til Next Time,
Elder Jordan Nielson

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