Spencer here and even though I am sometimes lazy with this blog here is the newest post from Elder Nielson! Honestly I kinda like to call him that even if he is my brother... :P It is what it is. Anyway enjoy reading!(It is quite short compared to the others)
Hey Everyone!
This week... like all the others... has flown by! I can't believe it's already monday again! It's been a super crazy week here, with exchanges, interviews, finding out about upcoming events, and visiting tons of people!
First on my list of things to talk about is that I finally got to meet an investigator! He's been someone that they met before I got here, and we'd try him on occasion whenever we were up that way - which seemed like 5/7 days we were - and we could never catch him. He works on installing sprinkler systems, and so he works pretty long hours. But, we were able to catch him on Monday and I finally met him after not getting to for an entire transfer! It showed me that persistence really does make a huge difference as we were able to have a really awesome visit with him.
The next cool thing on my list is the generosity of people here. On Friday I forgot to put my camelbak - I had already filled it - in my backpack. So, when we went on exchanges I didn't have it with me! It was pretty terrible to not have any water, but the people were so nice! We ended up getting water from like 4 different people, so I never ended up getting dehydrated! It was awesome :)
The next thing on my list... it's another persistence example. Go figure. We went to visit a less active sister for an appointment, but she wasn't home. I was on an exchange, so I didn't know much about the area and what had been worked, so when we realized she wasn't home I asked if we had ever knocked her neighbor. It turned out that they hadn't, and when we did she told us she was super interested in learning more about our message! They were supposed to see her a couple nights later, so we'll findout how that went. But, it was an example of persistence as well, because later that night we were passing by on our way home and we noticed that the less active's truck was there. We stopped by to see if she was home, and we were able to share our message with her that we had planned to earlier in the day. It was awesome! Even if it's a bit stalker ish... but that's what happens when we bike the same routes each day as they're the fastest ones to where we need to go.
Then yesterday, the elders in Ponca City were given the opportunity to speak in sacrament! We were asked to talk about our conversion stories, but I also used some quotes from Elder Holland's talk "Lord, I believe" and Elder Robbins' talk "What manner of men and women ought ye to be". They're both pretty awesome, and the ward said our talks were great :) You should all go check out those two talks though... they're really quite good.
Alrighty, that's about the highlights of the week, so here's a quick list of scriptures for your studying pleasure.
- 1 Nephi 10:17
- 1 Nephi 13:24
- 2 Nephi 11:8
- 2 Nephi 24:23-24
- 2 Nephi 26:33
- 2 Nephi 27:23
- 2 Nephi 33:14
- Jacob 5:70
- Enos 1:6-8
- Omni 1:1 -> Importance of Genealogy ;)
- Omni 1:26
- Mosiah 4:11
- Mosiah 16:8
- Mosiah 21:15
- Mosiah 23:8
Alright, so I would put some thoughts with those... but I don't have time this week, so you're just going to have to look them up and figure out why I sent them ;)
This week I'm starting to add some New Testament time into my studies, so for those who aren't too keen on the Book of Mormon - which you all should be ;) - will get those next week.
I think that's all for this week, sorry it's short, but I don't have as much time as I would like here :P
Elder Jordan Nielson
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