So in my last post I got to Saturday September 1st, which means I'm still a good month and a half or so behind... so this might end up being a marathon post since I don't really have much else to do tonight that absolutely needs to be done.
Anyway, it's Sunday September 2nd, 2012, which was a very interesting day for a few reasons. To start off, it was Fast Sunday, which meant that I didn't want to eat anything in the morning, or for lunch, so it was good that a few interesting things happened that day. To start off my day I woke up super late... like 20 minutes after church starts late. Luckily, there's four wards in my church building, so I was able to make it to Sunday School and Priesthood for my ward, then attend another ward's sacrament meeting. Anyway, after I finished sitting through one and a half testimony meetings, and the Sunday School and Priesthood meetings, I went home and it was about 3pm before I finally was done with church meetings, largely due to the fact that I was ridiculously tired the night before. So I took a nap, went to ward prayer, and then headed to bed since I had work in the morning.
So it's now Monday morning, and it is a reasonably good Monday for two reasons. First, we don't have class since it's labor day. Then second, I was able to cover one of my co-worker's shifts that morning and got to experience opening the office for the first time. Sadly, after work the day headed downhill pretty fast. I took a nap, and really didn't do very much else of note that day, aside from homework, but it was still nice to not have class.
Then came Tuesday, which was a slightly more exciting day. For one, I actually had classes today which is almost always a good thing, especially since it was the second week of classes and therefore most of them were pretty set in who would be there. Since most classes were set, we got groups in my Chemical Engineering class, which was pretty awesome since my group is made up of 7 super awesome people who all live in Wyview. Later that day we got to get together, back at Wyview in order to complete our group assignment that was to be due on Thursday. Anyway, because I have to do it for class anyway, I kinda like putting cool insights I had from D&C on here, if nothing else because I really like that class and find it incredibly interesting. So, for today (the 4th of September) my insight was regarding how our church is a church that believes and does miracles, every day, and that whenever I put off a chance to exercise my priesthood authority and power, that's basically me living below the potential I have to be the best I can be. So that's the D&C related thought for today, it is related to sections 2, 3, 7, and 10 so if you're curious read up on them :D
Moving on, Tuesday night wasn't too exciting - just went to work and entertained questions while working on homework - and as typical of nights I work went to bed sometime after midnight. Then came Wednesday, which was a reasonably good day. From what I can remember there was nothing exceedingly terrible that happened, and I got an excuse to make a cake. The excuse was that it was the birthday of one of the hall advisors, and it just so happened to be the one who was my hall advisor for summer term. So I made a super tasty chocolate chocolate chip cookie cake (picture below this paragraph). But, sadly for those of us trying to surprise her, she wasn't home until waaay late that night (like 11:30pm), so we just had to leave the stuff outside her door and didn't actually get to see her reaction to it :(
After Wednesday of course comes Thursday, which was a pretty routine day so far as I can recall. Nothing really extraordinary happened, but I did have d&c again and therefore have another insight to share. Anyway, after Thursday came Friday which wasn't too busy except for a chance to make some lasagna (which is like my favorite food). Of course I've also been having to work on an ever-increasing list of homework that needs to be done each day, as my classes finally get in a rhythm with what work they expect to be done. So it is finally the weekend again, which is always wonderful as that usually means I can do pretty much whatever since I don't have homework due during this time. So I ended up skyping my wonderful aunt for a little while, working a bit, and going to church.
Sunday was an especially exciting day as it was the birthday of my boss at work so a few Resident Assistants and I decorated the office for her to see on Monday. I also got to go ward prayer, which was interesting as we filled out spotlight forms. Another cool thing that happened was I got a calling - from over the pulpit (kind of) - to be an assistant ward clerk. So I got to spend some time learning all that cool stuff, and got set apart which was a really awesome experience. So I'm not really going in order for this day, but there was also a super awesome CES devotional given by Elder Holland that day and I got to make some Chicken Parmigiana for some of my friends right before it. And... since I'm still over a month behind, I'm gonna throw this post up and then write a new one!
Til I finish the next post,
Jordan Nielson
Anyway, it's Sunday September 2nd, 2012, which was a very interesting day for a few reasons. To start off, it was Fast Sunday, which meant that I didn't want to eat anything in the morning, or for lunch, so it was good that a few interesting things happened that day. To start off my day I woke up super late... like 20 minutes after church starts late. Luckily, there's four wards in my church building, so I was able to make it to Sunday School and Priesthood for my ward, then attend another ward's sacrament meeting. Anyway, after I finished sitting through one and a half testimony meetings, and the Sunday School and Priesthood meetings, I went home and it was about 3pm before I finally was done with church meetings, largely due to the fact that I was ridiculously tired the night before. So I took a nap, went to ward prayer, and then headed to bed since I had work in the morning.
So it's now Monday morning, and it is a reasonably good Monday for two reasons. First, we don't have class since it's labor day. Then second, I was able to cover one of my co-worker's shifts that morning and got to experience opening the office for the first time. Sadly, after work the day headed downhill pretty fast. I took a nap, and really didn't do very much else of note that day, aside from homework, but it was still nice to not have class.
Then came Tuesday, which was a slightly more exciting day. For one, I actually had classes today which is almost always a good thing, especially since it was the second week of classes and therefore most of them were pretty set in who would be there. Since most classes were set, we got groups in my Chemical Engineering class, which was pretty awesome since my group is made up of 7 super awesome people who all live in Wyview. Later that day we got to get together, back at Wyview in order to complete our group assignment that was to be due on Thursday. Anyway, because I have to do it for class anyway, I kinda like putting cool insights I had from D&C on here, if nothing else because I really like that class and find it incredibly interesting. So, for today (the 4th of September) my insight was regarding how our church is a church that believes and does miracles, every day, and that whenever I put off a chance to exercise my priesthood authority and power, that's basically me living below the potential I have to be the best I can be. So that's the D&C related thought for today, it is related to sections 2, 3, 7, and 10 so if you're curious read up on them :D
Moving on, Tuesday night wasn't too exciting - just went to work and entertained questions while working on homework - and as typical of nights I work went to bed sometime after midnight. Then came Wednesday, which was a reasonably good day. From what I can remember there was nothing exceedingly terrible that happened, and I got an excuse to make a cake. The excuse was that it was the birthday of one of the hall advisors, and it just so happened to be the one who was my hall advisor for summer term. So I made a super tasty chocolate chocolate chip cookie cake (picture below this paragraph). But, sadly for those of us trying to surprise her, she wasn't home until waaay late that night (like 11:30pm), so we just had to leave the stuff outside her door and didn't actually get to see her reaction to it :(
After Wednesday of course comes Thursday, which was a pretty routine day so far as I can recall. Nothing really extraordinary happened, but I did have d&c again and therefore have another insight to share. Anyway, after Thursday came Friday which wasn't too busy except for a chance to make some lasagna (which is like my favorite food). Of course I've also been having to work on an ever-increasing list of homework that needs to be done each day, as my classes finally get in a rhythm with what work they expect to be done. So it is finally the weekend again, which is always wonderful as that usually means I can do pretty much whatever since I don't have homework due during this time. So I ended up skyping my wonderful aunt for a little while, working a bit, and going to church.
Sunday was an especially exciting day as it was the birthday of my boss at work so a few Resident Assistants and I decorated the office for her to see on Monday. I also got to go ward prayer, which was interesting as we filled out spotlight forms. Another cool thing that happened was I got a calling - from over the pulpit (kind of) - to be an assistant ward clerk. So I got to spend some time learning all that cool stuff, and got set apart which was a really awesome experience. So I'm not really going in order for this day, but there was also a super awesome CES devotional given by Elder Holland that day and I got to make some Chicken Parmigiana for some of my friends right before it. And... since I'm still over a month behind, I'm gonna throw this post up and then write a new one!
Til I finish the next post,
Jordan Nielson
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