Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oh hey... It's fall already?

Preface: So... because I want to get at least something published tonight, and I could probably type on for another few paragraphs about the next few days I figure I'll make 3 different posts about the time since I last posted, the first being this one that covers from when my roommates moved in to Monday night ( a period of about 5 days).

Well... It's been about a month since I last posted on here, and there's been quite a bit happening, so I might have to cut this post into two parts depending on how I'm feeling and if I actually check the length before posting it. Anyway, it would seem that Fall is already upon us here at BYU and we've finished two weeks of classes already. But before that, I figure I should start way back when with my roommates already getting here at the beginning of the semester.

So, way back on like the 22nd of August, my first roommate moved in. I didn't know him before he got here, but he's pretty awesome. He plays guitar, likes to play some of the same computer games I do, and happens to be from Utah. He, like most freshman, actually went to New Student Orientation, although he liked it probably about as much as I would have if I had gone. Anyway, so the first couple days were kind of interesting, but we didn't yet have our other roommate here. So, a few days later when the roommate that I met summer term got back from home, the party really started. The one I met summer term also plays guitar, also likes some of the same computer games I do (albeit they like different ones), and is overall just a pretty cool guy. So, it looks like we're going to have a great semester cooped up here in north wyview.

Moving on... it ended up that we have 9am church, which is kind of a stretch for my roommates as they both like staying up rather late, and a bit challenging for me since I don't get home from work on Saturdays until a little bit after midnight. But it ended up that one of my roommates, who is from Utah, went to his home ward with his family, so it was just me and one other roommate. We ended up being a couple minutes late, which wasn't a big deal, and church was pretty good otherwise. Sadly (kind of) there were no good stories like the first Sunday of Summer, so we're just going to move on. After church, I went home and made some cookies, which were super tasty, and my roommates got their first taste of what it's like to live with me (at least since I got out here and started baking a bunch). Then that evening, some friends from home and I all got together and ate a super tasty dinner. It was in one of the girls' apartments in the new Heritage Halls buildings which was kind of nice, but it made me realize all the more how much I like being in Wyview. For example... I definitely prefer knowing most of my building fairly well instead of just knowing the 5 other people I room with. Another thing is I've gotten used to not having a dishwasher, so it isn't a very big issue that I don't have one. Anyway, so dinner was a blast and it was super awesome to see all those people from back home that I hadn't seen in 2 months (side note: it's the 13th of september and I haven't seen any of them since... sadness :( close side note). Moving on, that night we had our first ward prayer for these new wards, and ours is at 8pm in the 4 rooms that we usually use for Priesthood meeting on Sundays so it was exceedingly tight to get the entire ward in there for 20 minutes. That pretty much sums up my first Sunday in fall semester, so I guess it's time to talk about classes.

Monday morning came bright and early, especially since my classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays start at 8am. My first class is my Foundations of Global Leadership class, which I'm still not entirely sure what it is actually supposed to be about, I just kind of go with the flow on that one. It looks like it's going to be a blast though, as the first day we got to play a song as a class with Kazoos. After that I go to multi-variable calculus at 9am, which would probably be more interesting if I hadn't already taken most of the class material at Valencia during spring semester but I need to take it again since at Valencia we never got around to the fundamental vector integral theorems (like Green's and Stokes') so I kind of wish to learn about those. Finally comes chemistry (111 honors for those who care which one) at 10am. Chemistry looks like it should be a ton of fun, as the first day my professor found an excuse to use a flamethrower to blow up balloons filled with different gases which was pretty spectacular. After classes I took the shuttle home, and chilled out for a little bit. I did some math homework, and since I already know the material I went ahead and did all the homework that was due through Friday. Anyway, after I got tired of math I watched my favorite show on Netflix, which is called "The Adventures of Merlin" (if you want to find it on Netflix you can just search merlin). There's three seasons of it on Netflix, and during the break between semesters I discovered it and watched the first season and a couple episodes of the second one. So today I watched a couple episodes of that before it was time to head off to Home Evening - Entire ward style. As typical of BYU wards on the first monday that the ward exists, we have the entire ward gather together for a social thing on Monday evening called Home Evening where they assign apartments into home evening groups and generally have some sort of ice breaker for us to do while providing dinner for us. My home evening group ended up consisting of my apartment, another guys' apartment, and 2 girl apartments, for a total of six guys and seven girls. Sadly enough there will usually only be around 4 or 5 guys there as at least one of my two roommates are usually working monday nights when we have home evening.

'Til Next Time,
Jordan Nielson

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